Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Beneath the whispering of the garden’s green leaves in the warm summer breeze could be heard some low but very distinct voices.  Said the radish proudly to itself, “how perfectly round I am!”  Said the turnip to the radish, “That’s nothing.  See how much bigger I am than you!”  And the turnip turned purple on top swelling itself up, while the tiny radish blushed red in shame.  Said the carrot to the turnip, “You are so superficial!  I have a much deeper personality than you!”  And the carrot turned bright orange from its strenuous efforts to penetrate the earth, while the turnip turned pale on the bottom as it perceived its status slipping.  Finally there came a muffled voice from deep in the ground:   “You all are too proud!   I’m content to be just what I am – dull brown with bumps and blemishes  all over.  I only hope to be a delight to children when I am peeled, sliced and fried French style.”   The other roots were silent, while the leaves in the garden above turned even greener with envy.  They all knew who would prove to be most popular on the dinner table.

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